Our services

  • • Individual tax: Employee, students, Newcomers with PVT, etc...

    • Tax on self-employed workers, rental income, capital gains

    • Tax on foreign investors and non-residents

    • Tax on small and medium-sized enterprises, companies people, associations, etc.

    • Taxes of individuals/individuals:

    Preparation of tax returns for good economic and social development, it is essential that citizens pay their taxes. The taxes collected are in fact used to finance the State budget. This authority then uses it for the general interest, to cover public expenses. What are the taxes for individuals?

    • Taxes for employees,

    People who work in a company must pay taxes. This is also why there are the notions of gross salary and net salary. The calculation of taxes is generally indicated in the payslip of each employee. If there is something that is not clear, each employee has the right to complain or ask for explanations from the company's human resources manager. If there was an error in the calculation of taxes, it is the human resources manager who will do what is necessary to ensure that everything is in order.

    Taxes for employees relate to part of the general social contribution (CGS) which is for the financing of social protection accounts.

    In addition to the CGS, there are also taxes on the contribution to social reduction (CRDS). In other words, the employee participates in the absorption of the social security debt.

    The calculation of the deductions is made on the basis of 98.25% of the gross salary. The fact is that a 1.75% allowance is taken as business expenses before any tax calculation.

    It should be noted that all benefits in kind, bonuses and allowances are still subject to tax deductions.

    • Taxes for students

    To finance their studies, many students work in parallel with their studies. When should you declare your income?

    As a general rule, it is necessary to file a tax return when you are of legal age, especially when you start doing odd jobs. This allows you to be perfectly in good standing with the tax authorities.

    If you receive alimony or want to be attached to your parents' tax household, a tax return is essential.

    If you have no help for your parents and you support your parents on your own, you file your tax return without the possibility of being attached to your parents' tax household.

    If the student supports himself alone and his annual income is below 7,570 euros, he will be exempt from taxes.

    If the student receives alimony, the tax is levied on the basis of 3,200 euros gross.

    As part of a student employment contract, the tax deduction is based on 2,660 euros gross.

    Scholarships for research work are also to be declared.

    • Taxes for newcomers to Canada with PVT,

    With the working holiday program, it is possible to visit Canada while working there for a certain period. The student who obtains this visa can thus enjoy unforgettable holidays in Canada, do research there for the writing of a dissertation… At the same time, he can work for pocket money or to finance his studies.

    Since the student is working in Canada, it makes sense for him to file his tax returns there. It is indeed the Canadian government that benefits from the taxes for those who work in this country, even within the framework of a PVT.

    The Canadian government collects taxes according to the principles of self-assessment. The tax year is similar to the calendar year and runs from January 1 to December 31. The tax declaration is made from January 1 of the current year until April 30 of the following year. After this period, it is still possible to declare its taxes, but the taxpayer must, in this case, pay an additional sum as a penalty.

    For a student with a PVT visa and who works for a certain period in Canada, it is essential to pay income tax.

    Income tax is different from one taxpayer to another. A person who earns a lot pays a lot according to a defined grid of percentages for taxes. Another who earns little will pay little.

    However, an overall calculation is made at the end of the year. For people who have paid above the indicated threshold, they are entitled to a refund. Those who have not reached the only suitable for taxes must pay additionally.

    This whole system also applies to students working in Canada as part of a PVT.

  • • Monthly or daily bookkeeping

    • Year-end transactions or financial reports

    • Monthly, quarterly and annual reports (TPS & QST, D.A.S., CSST)

    • Production of payroll, T4, RL-1 and termination of employment

    • Income tax companies (C0-17 & T2, T1 & TP1, RL-15 slips, T5013)

  • • Business start-up consultation;

    • Incorporation and organization service; RRSP planning;

    • Implementation Accounting system;

    • Business diagnosis and management advice;

    • Business planning and reorganization;

    • Accounting consultation for starting a business

  • You have just finished your studies and you enter the professional world. It was not difficult for you to find a job, because you have already done internships. In addition, your skills reflect on the way you speak and hold yourself during the interview.

    You are therefore quickly out of the job seeker status. You did not stay there for long on this status, because you barely finished your studies, you found a job after a few weeks.

    For France, new employees are subject to the same taxes as other employees who have worked for years. This includes taxes on the social reduction contribution (CRDS) and on the social reduction contribution (CRDS).

    If you work in Canada, you may be eligible for a young professional permit. Not combinable with a working holiday or PVT program, the JP permit allows you to work on Canadian territory even if you are not studying there.

    The duration of the JP permit depends on the duration of your work. However, it cannot exceed 24 months. If you then wish to work for a long time in Canada, you will have to do what is necessary to become a resident and thus benefit from all the advantages of citizens who are employed in the territory.

    JP taxes in Canada include income tax plus certain taxes on benefits in kind. It is necessary to declare your income in order to be in good standing with the tax authorities.

    For more information on the subject, do not hesitate to contact Bookkeeping Montreal.

  • If you are an entrepreneur, it is clear that you aspire to rapid and continuous development. We, Bookkeeping Montreal, are convinced that you can do it, but to do so, you must constantly improve your turnover and bring something new to your way of doing things. We can assist you in this quest thanks in particular to our diagnostic services and our personalized management advice. Our team will be happy to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can claim success. We will lend you a hand in identifying the factors likely to slow down the growth of your business. We will then prepare the solutions that best suit your business situation.

    Note that the services we offer relate to the corporate structure, financial analysis and the establishment of a business plan.

  • Before giving you good advice, we carry out an in-depth study of the management techniques you have used to run your business. We then proceed to an identification of the factors leading to the slowing down of the latter. To do this, we carry out a financial study in order to then proceed to a well-founded analysis of your financial situation.

    In order to quickly reach our objectives, we carry out a cash flow analysis and an analysis of financial ratios relating to your company. From experience, we can assure you that transparent management is the key to success for a company. Here are the different ratios that can be analyzed:

    Customer credit ratio

    Value added ratio

    Inventory turnover ratio

    Return on equity

    Supplier credit ratio

    Cash ratio / relative liquidity ratio

    Debt ratio

    Debt to Equity Ratio

    Liquidity ratio/ working capital ratio

    Net profit margin

    Return on total assets

    Financial independence ratio

    In order to obtain further information on the subject, do not hesitate to consult the page of our site referring to the “financial analysis ratios of companies”.

    After the results of our analysis, we will give you advice focused on improving all the points likely to slow down the development of your company. Our team does not hesitate to give their all in the search for effective solutions in order to give you complete satisfaction.

  • Since our team also excels in offering management advice, we can help you make necessary changes in your corporate structure. As the related tasks are not negligible, our team prepares for it and takes the time to analyze your requests and by the same the structure of your company.

    In order for you to adopt a more effective management policy, we will not hesitate to do what is necessary to detect what is the cause of the imbalance encountered by your company. We'll give you the help you need to make your business perform better. We also classify the problems in order of importance to better deal with them via developed tools.

    Note that a precise diagnosis made by our team makes it possible to identify the following problems:

    Too high a debt ratio compared to activities

    Slow order processing speed

    Lack of number of suppliers

    The homogeneity of the clientele

    A shrinking market

    Lack of strategy and undefined objectives

    The presence of major competitors

    Lack of knowledge of customer expectations

    Our consulting and management services can assist you in implementing an efficient strategy to solve these problems. Our accounting services will allow you to find a new impetus and to claim a sharp evolution of your activities. A report will be written and then transmitted so that you have a solid economic recovery program. The writing of this document will be ensured by our elements and the document in question will include the strategies relating to the improvement of your activities and by the same of your recipe.

    In order to reform your corporate structure, Bookkeeping Montreal bases itself on the following six elements:

    The need for advice;

    The mitigation of formalities;

    The creation of departments (for the targeted delegation of tasks);

    Establishment of a chain of command;

    Optimization of controls/verifications;

    Centralization of decisions.

    Note that the corporate structure of your business gives you an idea of ​​how your business operates. Thanks to the advice of our agents, you will easily manage to reorganize your business by adopting much more effective strategies.

  • Before making decisions about the reform of your company, the establishment of an accounting diagnosis is essential. Thanks to this diagnosis, our agents will give you good advice and present you with figures that allow you to better understand the situation. To make a good diagnosis, our agents take into account the following elements:

    • The development of your business;

    • Employees (human resources);

    • The financial situation;

    • Supply and production;

    • Marketing and communications;

    • The concern for innovation and adaptation to the. technology

  • After meeting with the general management, our team will draw up a business plan approved by your structure and will submit interesting financing options to you for rapid development. Our team will also not hesitate to inform you about the necessary corrections to the strategic plan of your structure. The plan in question relates to the business decisions that condition the improvement of the performance of your company.

    During this reform, you must keep in mind that the quest for financing is essential whether you are deciding on a corporate restructuring or expansion projects. Our team is also able to give the best advice on this subject. Indeed, for us, your satisfaction comes first.

    In short, to carry out a reliable diagnosis of your business, trust Bookkeeping Montreal. Our agents are trained in this context and have the required profile, as they are mainly made up of accounting consultants.