Financial statement preparation services.

JKB Services is a reference when it comes to providing assistance to professionals encountering financial problems or unable to develop their activities as they wish. Thanks to our accounting services and our experienced team, we can provide quality services for any business. Among our services are the preparation of budgets or the preparation of financial statements. If you feel that your company needs help with these tasks, do not hesitate to call on us. On these tasks depends, among other things, the approval of a funding request. They also condition decision-making for a company.

In order to implement these financial projections, we take management's approval and we also consider the assumptions made regarding the future of the organization. Note that our team prepares for all situations during a mission relating to the drawing up of forecasts for the budget and the preparation of financial statements. We also have reference models for these tasks and we adapt them to each situation. These are reliable models that have been tested before being exploited.


Analysis of projects.


The steps to follow for RRSP planning.