Liquidation obligation.

During the operations that we carry out in order to save your activities following a major financial problem, we highlight our optimism. The reason is that our team has already saved many companies from a critical situation. However, we remain realistic and do not insist if all the data collected confirms a situation that is impossible to rectify. We will then consider an interesting alternative and direct you to the liquidation option. Indeed, at some point, you have to keep your feet on the ground and make the best decision.

Note that our team is familiar with the necessary steps to follow for a liquidation decision. In our company, you will find the best liquidation formula and will not encounter any problems.

Before liquidation, we will carry out a complete analysis of your activities in order to have a more objective view and to make the best decisions. Each decision to be made will be submitted to you before execution. On our side, we continue to give you good advice so that you come out unscathed from the situation.

During the liquidation process, we can also intervene with your bankers to inform them of your decision. We will thus ensure all negotiations and defend your interests.

Thanks to JKB Services, you will have peace of mind and your vision of entrepreneurship will take on another dimension


Retirement planning and RRSP service.


Finance research.