The tax contribution for a partnership

A partnership designates a company with many associates who offer funds with a view to building up capital. The profits for each partner will then depend on the amount of his shares in the company.

The social contributions for a company to the person can be made within the framework of a tax regime of the corporate tax type. The company can choose this type of taxation by itself. It also happens that the tax authorities offer them this system and tell them about its advantages.

The company must also pay income tax.

There is also a tax system that may be of interest to a partnership. This is the so-called quasi-transparent tax system.

For this tax regime, each partner, having allowed the formation of the partnership, will be taxed on his share.

As part of this taxation system, it is necessary for each partner to pay their taxes so as not to have any problems with the tax authorities.


Taxation of associations


Taxes for SMEs