In the event of liquidation.

In the event that your financial concerns prove difficult to resolve and if the recovery strategies we propose promise to be ineffective after analysis, we can assist you in your liquidation process. If you fall into a situation of insolvency, we will carry out a careful analysis which tends towards liquidation. If you are unable to negotiate your situation with your lenders and creditors, we can do it for you. Indeed, we can act as agents and will plead your case for an outcome that will be beneficial for all parties involved.

During your simplified liquidation process, we can take care of all the necessary steps before the situation turns towards an obligation of judicial liquidation. For this, we can take on the role of liquidator and carry out all the related tasks, in particular:

  • The sale of property, the recovery of the debt followed by the payment of debts;

  • The summons of the partners to inform them;

  • Establishment of liquidation accounts;

 You should know that JKB Services offers services focused on management and accounting. Its team has been trained to be effective in all circumstances.


Adoption of effective strategies.


Fundraising quest.